-    3GLs FOR UNIFACE    

3GL Routines in Proc Code

These routines are available with the MH3GLS.DLL and MHGFP140.DLL's.

LOADMHDLL Display splash screen and system tray icon
LSTRSEARCH Find any string within another.
GETPOS Find the current position of the active window.
GETWHND Find the current window handle named window.
GETOWHND Find the current window handle of the named Uniface object.
LSTOWHND List the window handle of all the Uniface objects.
ENTITIES Find the entities painted on a component.
MHCASCADE Cascade all the child windows of the current application.
MHTILE Tile all the child windows of the current application.
MHSETICON Set the title bar icon of a window.
MHKILLICON Destroy the memory and system resources used by an icon.
MHSETCLASS Set the title bar icon of a class of windows.
MHENABLE Enable/disable a window (or control, like a session panel button).
MHWHIDE Hide a window (or control, like a session panel button).
MHSAVESCN Save a bitmap image of a window/form.
MHPRINTSCN Print an exact bitmap image of a window/form.
MHGETDEFAULTPRN Get the name of the current default printer from Windows.
MHSETDEFAULTPRN Set the current default printer for Windows.
MHCANONICALISE Canonicalise / urlencode the string $51.
MHGETNISTTIME Get the current correct UNC time from NIST.
MHGETNISTLOCAL Get the current correct LOCAL time using NIST.
MHHTTPGET Get a page from the Internet/World Wide Web.
MHHTTPPOST Submit information to a page on the Internet/World Wide Web.

$Revision: 1.9 $ $Date: 2011/02/28 02:56:33 $[go to top]