[Cvsnt] Change and Delete version number

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Apr 18 23:30:23 BST 2002

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 17:42:51 +0000 (UTC), "Alfred Kwan"
<mwkwan7 at hotmail.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>   I am using cvs-1.10.8NT. Is there any way to change the version number
>when i commit my files? The default version always starts as 1.xx. Now my
>files go to version 1.19, I want it to be 2.1 or something like that.
>   Also, how can I delete some versions of files from the repository?

Please read up on CVS!
What you refer to as version numbers are not! They are revision
numbers and is what keeps CVS going. They are strictly for CVS
internal use and has *nothing* whatever to do with your software
release versions.
In order to administrate the versions you should use the 'tag' method
by tagging all files in your module at the same time with a tag like
'Ver1-0-2-45' or similar. This binds all those files together on this
version and you can later retrieve them as an entity.

And don't ever try to remove old revisions, you will create a hole in
hostory and you are effectively changing the past. Just leave the
revision there, it causes no ill effects at all.
Remember that all revisions of a file are saved in one and the same
RCS file on the server, so there are no extra files to remove.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)
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