[cvsnt] How do I monitor client requests and pserver responses?

Gerhard Stegemann GStegemann at csi.com
Thu Aug 22 14:49:47 BST 2002

"Bo Berglund" <Bo.Berglund at system3r.se> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1030021984.21877.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> Is there a summary of the environment variables CVS uses and how they are
set up?

Yes, in the Cederquist manual, as far as I remember.

> I would very much like to know how the CVS_CLIENT_LOG setting is done.
> Set CVS_CLIENT_LOG=1????

Its value has to be a valid filename. If you set it to "1" CVS will
create the file "1.in" and "1.out" in the current directory.

> And where does the log wind up?

See above.

> In the command window on WinCvs or elsewhere?

Not in the command window. It's written to files.

Gerhard Stegemann

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