[cvsnt] CvsMailer problem with users list?

Carlos Torres-Cros ctorres at ubisoft.fr
Wed Dec 4 14:27:43 GMT 2002


I tried to configure cvsnt and cvsmailer recently
and I have a problem with cvsmailer

I use ntserver protocol and we are on a NT domain

so my cvs-name is domain\ctorres
but in the CvsMailer log my name has been changed to domain#ctorres

in my users file I have an entry

but it isn't recognized and I have the following message
Could not get mail address for user domain#ctorres. ReplyTo disabled

After some try I concluded :
in users file entry with # doesn't seem to be recognized

If I set an alias in my passwd file, the resulting is the same because my
real name
remains domain\ctorres and CvsMailer receives the real user name

Thx for any help


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