[cvsnt] Virus protection gets in the way...

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sat Dec 7 00:08:53 GMT 2002

I changed the subject just to get my contribution on another thread...
I was experimenting with designing a release build engine at work
where the files would be exported from CVS and the combined into a
setup more or less automatically. I used a batch file to export the
needed files. I was all the time getting e very strange error message
to the effect that a file had suddenly disappeared during the cvs
It turned out that this was a vbs file and apparently this was a no-no
for the antivirus stuff that our IT department is pushing out to all
PC:s on the domain. Could not get this to work so I had to go another
way and not use the vbs file at all...
Of course this was on the client side so it was not as bad as Tony is
fearing, but nevertheless quite annoying.

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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