[Cvsnt] Advanced Management Question.

Martin Alaimo malaimo at metaimagen.com
Sat Feb 16 01:02:40 GMT 2002

Hi Everyone!...

Well.. after trying many options.. y fallen into a black hole.. from where i
cant figure how to get off.. the fact is this:

I have some products, which are very customizable, and composed by many
other sub-products.
So I imported them below the home directory inside $CVSROOT
This way:


Here we can see that Portal is one product, composed by Login, LogEngine and
Main, that are sub-products.

By the way,.. one client wanted a customized version of Portal, adding some
applications, that way i created this entries on the repository:


On The modules files, I created the module for my own develop of Portal, and
a module for the client version, like this:

myLogin -d Login /home/Portal/Login
myLogEngine -d LogEngine /home/Portal/LogEngine
myMain -d Main /home/Portal/Main
PortalHome &myLogin &myLogEngine &myMain
clPortalStyles -d Styles /client/PortalStyles
clAppForum -d /Apps/Forum /client/appForum
clGestBook -d /Apps/GestBook /client/appGestBook
PortalClient &myLogin &myLogEngine &myMain &clPortalStyles &clAppForum

As you can see, 

checking out "PortalHome" i get:

and checking out "PortalClient" i get:

As I dont want to get the earliest version of Main, LogEngine and Logs (when
checking out portalclient), I tagged a "release1" of them and keep on
working on "release2"
After That, I cheked out a PortalClient and updated those three to
"release1", then tagged "PortalClient" to "pcRelease1"

So, when i get a "pcRelease1" of "PortalClient" I also get a "release1" of
Portal sub modules.

Up to here,.. all was going on OK. But.. (everything has a BUT no?)..

The fact is.. I would like to get the files of PortalClient with no "sticky
tags" so the team designed to PortalClient can edit them, but want to remain
the sub-modules of "PortalHome" uneditables to that team, just because it's
release1 and no one of the team of "PortalHome" want to get them edited.

What can I do for getting that result?
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