Vedr.: Re: Vedr.: [Cvsnt] cvsservice command line arguments

jml at jml at
Fri Mar 15 10:59:27 GMT 2002

Glad that you found something useful. Running the script at night does not
solve the acute problem when a dangling lock prevents a cvs-user from
committing his work, that's my reason for creating an "run-on-demand"


Jørgen Møller Larsen, KMF
Nykredit Data
email: jml at
Tlf. direkte 96 35 50 69

                    Kyrre Kristiansen
                    <kyrre_kristiansen at ya        Til:    jml at
          >                   cc:     cvsnt at
                                                 Vedr.:  Re: Vedr.: [Cvsnt] cvsservice command line arguments
                    2002-03-14 16:33
                    Besvar venligst til

Thanks for the help, Jørgen, the scripts look good,
and I'm impressed!

I've not yet tried the cgi scripts yet, but I
undoubtebly will when I have the time. The bat file,
however, solved the little mystery for my, how to
start and stop services under NT (I'm used to
Unix/Linux...). I'm using the at command to schedule
it at night, so I don't have to do anything in order
for it to run. It does mean that I have to check the
logs in the morning, but that's a small price to pay
for a good night's sleep :-)


--- jml at wrote: >
> You have got it all right!
> I include scripts that can do the job (must be
> modified to fit your
> installation).
> The script is startet from a web-browser, so you'll
> have to set up a
> web-server on the cvs-server (can be used to run
> CVSWEB also). The
> cgi-scripts are perl, so perl must be installed as
> well (I use ActivePerl).
> You may however use the bat-file directly in stead.
> It takes a
> cvs-module-name as a parameter. The script is
> designed to remove dangling
> locks on a single module in stead of on the
> repository as a whole for
> performance reasons.
> You'll have to modify the "SET CVSRTDIR" statement
> in the top of the bat
> file and set it to the path of your repository. No
> other modifications
> should be needed. The output from the bat file is
> written to c:
> The listunl.cgi script creates a drop-down list
> contaning the modules in
> the repository. The "system (dir etc"-line in the
> top of the script must be
> changed to the path of your repository.
> The unlock.cgi executes the unlock.bat file, and
> lists the resulting
> cvsunlock.log. The "system(bla bla"-line near the
> end of the script must be
> changed to point to wherever you have placed the
> unlock.bat file.
> The unlock.htm is the entrance to the rest. It just
> says "be careful" - the
> "GET method action" in the form must be changed to
> point to your
> web-server/cgi-path.
> There at references to a "default.htm" file here and
> there, so you should
> have such a file as "home page" with a link to
> unlock.htm on your
> web-server.
> (See attached file: unlock.htm)(See attached file:
> listunl.cgi)(See
> attached file: unlock.bat)(See attached file:
> unlock.cgi)
> Regards
> -----------------------------------------
> Jørgen Møller Larsen, KMF
> Nykredit Data
> email: jml at
> Tlf. direkte 96 35 50 69
> ----------------------------------------
>                     "Kyrre Kristiansen"
>                     <kyrre_kristiansen at ya
> Til:    cvsnt at
>           >                   cc:
>                     Sendt af:
> Vedr.:  [Cvsnt] cvsservice command line arguments
>                     cvsnt-admin at
>                     2002-03-14 11:06
>                     Besvar venligst til
>                     "Kyrre Kristiansen"
> Is is possible to start and stop the cvs service
> form the command line? I'm
> experiencing problems with dangling locks, so I'm
> going to make a script
> that kills all the cvs.exe processes and deletes all
> the locks (as
> described
> in the cvsnt manual), but I think it would be good
> to stop the service
> before I do. Am I wrong?
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<TITLE>Remove dangling locks in CVS repository</TITLE>
<IMG SRC="/icons/cvsbanner.gif">
<H1>CVS Repository tools</H1>
<H3>Remove danglings locks from CVS repository</H3>
This utility removes any dangling locks from a CVS
CAUTION: Do not use under heavy repository-traffic.
The CVS-server is stopped, and any CVS-tasks are
killed. <BR>
Locks are deleted from the repository, and the
CVS-server is restarted.
<TD valign="top">
Do you want to start this utility?
<TD valign="center">
<FORM method="GET"
<input type=submit value="Yes">&nbsp;
<input type=reset value="No"

<HR>Comments to <a
href="mailto:jml at">jml at</a></BODY></HTML>

> ATTACHMENT part 3 application/octet-stream

> ATTACHMENT part 4 application/octet-stream

> ATTACHMENT part 5 application/octet-stream

Kyrre Kristiansen
email: kyrre_kristiansen at

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