[Cvsnt] Newbie question -- CVSNT, WSAD, CheckOut, Release

Yosh-Rinaldy YRinaldy at OfficeDepot.com
Tue May 14 20:16:29 BST 2002


I installed CVSNT  v1.11.1.3 on W2K Professional.
I set up all the environment variables according to the devguy.com guides
(Installing the CVSNT Server)
I am using pserver protocol.
I am using IBM WebSphere Application Studio Developer (WSAD) as my IDE.

Initially, I am able to connect from the clients, and checkout modules and
files from the server.  When I made changes to the file and want to check
them in , I get this error messages:
	Repository closed connection

	cvs server: Up-to-date check failed for 'webApplication/test1.html'
	cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

Thank you for your help.


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