[cvsnt] Troubles with diff after shifting from CVS on Linux to CVSNT

Brenden Phillips brenden at inspire.net.nz
Mon Nov 4 23:32:55 GMT 2002


I've shifted a clients CVS tree from their Linux server to their newer Win2k
server running CVSNT.

On any of the files that they have changed and checked back in to the new
repository they cannot run diffs or graph the files. The error reported is

cvs [server aborted]: linefeed expected in
C:/cvsrepo/modules/path/to/file/filename.java,v (got 13)

Files that haven't been changed work fine.

Checkouts and checkins on all the files are OK

The whole repository was tar'd up and shifted to the windows box for the

The clients are using WinCVS 1.2

Any ideas on what this is and how to fix it?



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