[cvsnt] .../CVSROOT/config: Permission denied

Bernhard Weichel bernhard.weichel at online.de
Tue Nov 5 19:00:07 GMT 2002


I cant get CVSNT server to work. Whenever I try to access the server I gt
the follwoing Message (copied from the log window of tortoise cvs.

In C:\temp\mmdbpinsler: cvs update -d -P
cvs [update aborted]: unrecognized auth response from buero2: cvs server: E
cannot open F:/CVSNT-Archives/pmt/CVSROOT/config: Permission denied
Error, CVS operation failed

It works when I delete CVSROOT/config. It also works if I grant full acess
to CVSROOT/config for everyone.

Any suggestions?

Bernhard Weichel

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