[cvsnt] 57h: "cannot rename file errors"

Khaled Agrama kagrama at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 23 00:14:31 BST 2002

Does anyone know what conditions cause the following error to occur?

cvs [rtag aborted]: cannot rename file
E:\sanrepos\sanav\ThirdParty\SNMP\MIBs\StorageTek/,STK.mib, to
E:\sanrepos\sanav\ThirdParty\SNMP\MIBs\StorageTek/STK.mib,v: Permission

I've been seeing these often over the past couple of weeks.  Usually a
restart of the server (build 57h) causes the problem to go away.  Sometimes
it goes away after simply waiting for a while.

Have there been any related bug fixes in recent builds that solve the

Does it matter if some clients aren't using matching cvs versions?

Any help would be appreciated!


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