[cvsnt] lockserver conflict when commiting files in several directories

Alexey Panchenko alexey at liwest.ru
Fri Sep 6 15:04:01 BST 2002

Friday, September 06, 2002, 7:13:23 PM, Tony wrote:

>>There is a conflict in lockserver when trying to commit files in
>>several directories using one command, something like

TH> cvs commit -f test2.txt include/16bitheaders.h

TH> 010 MONITOR Client (#136) localhost||||Logging in
TH> 010 MONITOR Client (#136) localhost|monaco|tmh|f:/data/projects/cvs|Active
TH> 010 MONITOR Lock (#136) f:/data/projects/cvs/Develop|Write Directory
TH> 010 MONITOR Lock (#136) f:/data/projects/cvs/Develop/Include|Write Directory

cvs commit -m null 1.txt 2\2.txt

cvs server: [20:50:45] waiting for AV on ...'s lock in E:/CVSDATA/Repository/III

010 MONITOR Client (#456) ...|Logging in
010 MONITOR Client (#456) ...|AV|E:/CVSDATA/Repository|Active
010 MONITOR Lock (#456) E:/CVSDATA/Repository/III|Write Recursive Directory

There is a difference in commands:
you use commit -f = "Force the file to be committed; disables recursion."

And the lockserver logs are different - "Write Recursive Directory" in
my case.

Best regards,
 Alexey                            mailto:alexey at liwest.ru

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