[cvsnt] Conflicts duering merge shown as modified

Richard Wirth r.wirth at wirthware.de
Wed Sep 11 07:36:51 BST 2002

While merging changes from a vendor branch into the main trunk,
several files were marked 'conflict' in the log output, but afterwards
in CVS/Entries thiese files are only marked 'modified'! So WinCVS does
not show the 'conflict' icon.

What's going wrong???

output from
cvs -z3 update -d -jV2_30_b22
RCS file: l:/CVSBASE/aProject/SDK/Windows/Error.h,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision
Merging differences between 1.1 and into Error.h
rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
C SDK/Windows/Error.h
cvs server: Updating SDK/Windows/Control

contents of CVS/Entries:
/Window.h/ Aug 24 21:57:36 2002//
/Error.h/1.2/Result of merge//

cvs version is 'last night build' (client and server on WIN2k)

Best regards,
 Richard                          mailto:r.wirth at wirthware.de

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