[cvsnt] Linux setup

Glen Starrett grstarrett at cox.net
Tue Apr 1 07:40:29 BST 2003

Does anyone have CVSNT running pserver on Linux?  I'm trying to get it
set up here and I seem to be doing something wrong.  I fully admit that
I am a Linux novice and could be overlooking something obvious.
--I uninstalled the RH8 default CVS package
--I untared the RC3 source, then proceeded to ./configure; make; make
--Checked with cvs -v ==>  Yes, running rc3 here.
--chmod 2755 /usr/local/bin/cvs
--Create a CVS repository with cvs -d /home/cvsroot/repos init
--Try to connect with cvs -d
:pserver:gstarret at stanley:/home/cvsroot/repos login
When I try to do a login, it gives me an error:  "cvs [login aborted]:
/home/cvsroot/repos: no such repository" ???  It exists, I don't get it.
Here is the config for xinetd:
service cvspserver
        disable        = no
        socket_type    = stream
        wait           = no
        user           = root
        group          = root
        log_type       = FILE /var/log/cvspserver
        env            = '$HOME=/home/cvsroot'
        server         = /usr/local/bin/cvs
        server_args    = --allow-root=/home/cvsroot pserver

I've tried both cvs and root for user/group (using advice from
http://www.sugoiconsulting.com/bits/index.php?bit_id=32).  I have
previously created the CVS user & group, just as a "plain user".
Any help is appreciated.

Glen Starrett

grstarrett at cox.net



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