[cvsnt] Re: [TortoiseCVS] Quoting issues

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at atan.com.br
Fri Apr 4 17:49:38 BST 2003

Look closely at the first (comment) parameter. Windows detected the 
closing quote as a escaped quote. Then concatened "work/Company" with it 
as there is no spaces between them. So it just tried to comnmit 
"Setup/Company". Ain't it cool? :)
Hmm, I can't figure a fix for this (besides ugly hacks like adding a 
final blank).


Keith D. Zimmerman wrote:

>Posted to two lists...  Sorry, but it seemed the right thing to do
>	>In C:\builds\beagle.net: cvs.exe -q -x commit -m "wasn't
>linking properly to codebase.  used ..\..\ instead of v:\" "work/Company
>Setup/Company Setup.dsp"
>	>CVSROOT=:sspi:server2:/ewcode
>	>
>	>cvs [commit aborted]: cannot find Setup/Company: No such file
>or directory
>	>
>	>Error, CVS operation failed
>Copied from TortoiseCVS dialog.  Why isn't it working correctly?
>"work/Company Setup/Company Setup.dsp" is quoted properly, no?
>keith d. zimmerman, mcsd 
>eagle solutions

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