[cvsnt] Wiki pages...

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Apr 10 19:44:58 BST 2003

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 20:15:32 +0200, Laust Rud Jensen
<laust.rud+cvsnt at spamcop.net> wrote:

>Hi Tony and Bo,
>Check out the options in IE - there is a button on the first page -
>Languages. Clicking that gives you a window where you can choose your
>preferred languages. If you don't have a profile with the Wiki-system, your
>language from the top of the list is used. Add English to the top of the
>list and you'll be fine. Now you know :)
>/Laust Rud Jensen

Interestingly I am now back home with the same operating system and
the same version of IE 6.0.
Here I have the languages English, Swedish and Japanese in that order
and the pages display in English.
The work laptop has only one entry (you guessed it: Swedish!). I have
absolutely no idea why IE chose to put that in the list since I take
care only to install US English versions of all software be it
development tools or office packages. Looks magic to me, or they just
look at the keyboard setting...

Of course after adding English and Japanese also on this PC the Wiki
pages once more display correctly.


(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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