[cvsnt] Authentication question

Anne Bonham abonham at gnx.com
Tue Dec 23 20:18:33 GMT 2003

We're planning to implement CVSNT on Solaris with Win2000 clients. We will
use the sserver protocol.

My questions are:

1) Will users be prompted to change their CVS passwords every so often? If
so, how often (or is this configurable)?

2) Will CVS lock-out users after a certain number of unsuccessful login
attempts? If so, how many (or is this configurable)? How long is lock out
(or is it configurable)?

Or, does CVS just piggy-back on the system's settings where these items are


Anne Bonham | Release Manager
+1 415.283.3745 (o) | +1 415.218.7805 (c)
abonham at gnx.com | abonham (yim)
GlobalNetXchange, LLC | 333 Bush Street 18th Floor
San Francisco | CA | 94104


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