[cvsnt] Hangs when checking in binary files

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Sat Feb 22 19:22:02 GMT 2003

laust.rud+cvsnt at spamcop.net wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> Unfortunately, you can't load UTF-8 files in VBScript, otherwise I'd have
> used the unicode flag. Did that at first, and all hell broke loose.
> Everything became garbage. Won't be doing that again :)
If you mark a file with -ku you don't get UTF8 you get proper UCS-2.  If VB
can't handle that then it probably can't handle unicode.

You can't just convert a file from text to binary and expect it to work
seamlessly.  Basically if you do that make sure that you clean out all your
sandboxes and checkout from scratch again with the new binary version, and
never attempt to access the text versions, otherwise you'll get undefined
behaviour, because the client might attempt merging and produce garbage.

The trace you're seeing is because it's trying to do a text merge on a
binary file, which simply can't work.  That's why you have to delete all
your existing copies and start again.. updating won't work.


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