[cvsnt] Rename of a module

Czarnowski, Aric aczarnowski at unimax.com
Tue Jan 7 15:07:34 GMT 2003

> We have a Module called "x" which we used since 1 year.
> Now we have finished this project and want to keep the 
> project data on our cvs-server. The new project shall be
> named "x" again (in fact we used the wrong name in the 
> first go) so we have to rename the old project to "y".
> What do we have to do not to loose all the information in 
> the cvs system during the move of our old sources?

I think you can simply rename the directories holding the sources on the
server.  Assuming a CVSROOT something like :ntserver:SERVER:c:/cvs then
c:\cvs\x becomes c:\cvs\y and you then cvs init a new x module to start
your new project.

If you mean to rename branch tags that gets a little trickier but is
still possible.


Aric Czarnowski
Developer/Test Lead
Unimax Systems Corporation

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