[cvsnt] Unusual performance problem

Curt Hagenlocher curth at motek.com
Tue Jan 28 00:20:15 GMT 2003

We're using CVSNT (build 57f) with WinCVS 1.3 (beta 9).  On one
machine (and only that machine), there is a problem with the
"diff" function of WinCVS.  This function apparently works 
with the "-p" flag to send the output to stdout, from which it
is presumably being redirected to a temporary file so that
WinCVS has greater control of where the file is being written.

The problem on this machine is that the cvs operations take
an extremely long time -- close to a minute for a 60 KB file.
Using the "-p" option from the command line version of CVS
produces a similarly long wait.

All other (more "normal") operations operate quickly on that
machine, and that operation works quickly on all other local
computers -- all of which are configured the same way as the

Has anyone seen something similar or can suggest a solution?

Curt Hagenlocher
curth at motek.com

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