[cvsnt] Re: Can't authenticate ..... please help

Claus Petersen claus at puppetmaster.dk
Thu Jul 3 07:21:24 BST 2003

The lack of answares on this issue, is that because I'm the only one with
this problem, or is it because there are no soloutions???


"Claus L. Petersen" <clausp at softhome.net> skrev i en meddelelse
news:bduk0o$pnl$1 at sisko.nodomain.org...
> I have installed the cvsnt server ver. 2.0.5  as described in the document
> InstallationTips  but when I get to 2.10 in the document testing the
> I get the following error:
> C:\>set cvsroot=:sspi:
> C:\>cvs ls -l -r
> cvs [ls aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and client cannot agree on
> authentication scheme
> What am I doing wrong????
> Claus Petersen

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