[cvsnt] Impersonation Windows 2003 Server

Marc Weidner epost_marc at fritz12.dyndns.org
Fri Jul 25 23:56:17 BST 2003

Erv Walter wrote:

>I might be misunderstanding the issue.  We have CVSNT 2.0.4 running on
>Windows 2003 with the Impersonation Enabled checkbox checked.  We use
>sspi to authenticate against a domain successfully.
The enabled checkbox is not all. Impersonation is the mapping from one 
user to another. It is done via the passwd file in the CVSROOT 
directory. There you can map the user, which communicates with the 
cvsnt-server to another system or domain-user. The user who has a 
cvs-account must not have an account on the machine. It is possible to 
map all users to one cvs_user, who is the only one who has an account on 
that machine.

And that is my problem. On Windows 2000 all is doing very fine, but on 
Windows 2003 Server that mapping fails and I get the Impersonation 
failed error, when I try to map user via the passwd file.

Marc Weidner

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