[cvsnt] No repository files after adding repository.

keinespams at gmx.de keinespams at gmx.de
Wed Jul 30 16:23:05 BST 2003


most probably everything works well, only window's file manager does not
display files with attribute 'hidden' or 'system'. Enable this in the options
dialog and you should see those files.

This happens on the newer windows. Happend to me as well: Wanted to copy a
whole repository to CD and all I got where the directories, no files.

Hope this was the reason.


> Trying to set up a Win2000 cvsnt-2.0.2 repository on an application
> server.
> Loaded cvsnt and installed it.  Well really IT did.
>  Added a couple of repositories to test things out.  The folders are
> properly created, but not the associated repository files.
> No error messages, seems happy, everything but files.  Running with
> ntserver only enabled.  Checked prefix and repository
> names, everything seems fine.
>  Went back to a NT4 system in my office on a local network where I am
> allowed to safely play, and it worked effortlessly, just
> like it had before.   Created both the files and the repository when I
> added a new repository.  The NT system is configured
> a little differently because it has both Windows and Linux clients.
> The Win2000 system is on a corporate network, so they do not let me get
> near it, and the IT folks are not really orientated to
> software like this.  The understand business software, not development
> software.  They let me run my stuff as long as I do not
> phone the help desk!  They are willing help in any way that I request.   I
> had IT create a new test repository just to see if all the
> entries were correct, everything seemed file.  The outcome was the same
> with no files, but with folders created.
> What are the questions to ask IT?  What kind of things in the
> configuration
> could cause this to happen.  Did I miss something?
> Can I 'cheat' it in by copying the repository files from a 'clean'
> repository on the NT system to the Win2000 system ?
> IT said "Why don't you phone their customer service", so here I am!
> I am not a NT or Win2000 IT guy, I am really an embedded engineer.  Any
> assistance you could give me would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Gary Coker
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