[cvsnt] Renaming File (Case sensitive)

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Mon Jun 2 12:57:21 BST 2003

If this is the case then the only way I can think of to get the new case
in WinCvs is to delete the file in your sandbox (*don't* use the X button in WinCvs!!!!)
using Windows Explorer.
Then select the now missing file in WinCvs (broken file icon)
and do an update. Maybe now the file will come back with the new case.
If this does not work then you must check out the module to a new location....

All of this of course provided that you are allowed to rename on the server.
In Unix Foo.txt and foo.txt are different files and so if you change the name
it is equivalent to destroying the file with its complete history and creating
a new file with the history of an old file. Really confusing for the other
persons who have this module checked out, especially if they are on UNIX....

As you might guess from the UNIX source of CVS there is no CVS command to rename
a file because a rename in effect is like I described above. Rename only really
makes sense in the Windows environment, and here it sould not matter..


-----Original Message-----
From: ShingIP at Sycron-IT.com [mailto:ShingIP at Sycron-IT.com]
Sent: den 2 juni 2003 13:50
To: Bo Berglund
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Renaming File (Case sensitive)


I am using WinCVS as client. My server repository is a unix machine. When i
am renaming the files in the server (just the case, for example  foo.txt =>
Foo.txt) + updating files my client WinCVS, the file foo.txt stay in
lowercase. I know that cases is not important in Windows. But when the files
is a xml or xsd file cases becomes important.

Best Regards

Shing Ip

-----Original Message-----
From: Bo Berglund [mailto:Bo.Berglund at system3r.se]
Sent: maandag 2 juni 2003 13:01
To: ShingIP at Sycron-IT.com
Cc: CVS-NT Mailing list (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [cvsnt] Renaming File (Case sensitive)

CVSNT is Windows based. Windows does *not* recognize a difference in case of
a file,
so I think you are out of luck here if you want to use C style case
sensitivity in
file names...

If you really want this to be changed (for cosmetic reasons) then I suggest
following (if you have access to the repository directly):
1) Stop the CVS service
2) Go and find the repository files you want to change (here foo.txt,v)
3) Change the name of the file (here to Foo.txt,v)
4) Start the CVS service
5) Check out the module again (no use doing an update because Windows does
not see
   the difference).

Now you should have a sandbox with the desired case of the file names.


-----Original Message-----
From: ShingIP at Sycron-IT.com [mailto:ShingIP at Sycron-IT.com]
Sent: den 2 juni 2003 12:18
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] Renaming File (Case sensitive)


I would like to rename a file. For example foo.txt to Foo.txt.

I have look in the forum and it seems that this issue has already been post.
Nou in this thread they were talking about a macro/script to rename all the
client. Where can i find the macro/script?

thanks in advance

Shing IP

* +32 (0) 50.833.333
* shingip at sycron-it.com

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