[cvsnt] Panic message...

Steve Ford sford at whidbey.com
Mon Jun 16 17:23:32 BST 2003

Thanks for your reply!
While we have been using CVS for 4 years now, we are all CVS neophytes... so
please bear with me...

We have been using CVS with the repository on a LINUX machine...
Recently, we encountered various problems ...
As a way of remedying this we decided to create a completely new repository
using CVSNT...
Mike, the guy that sent you the last e-mail, set up the server side...
I acquired the 1.2 version of WinCVS (had been using 1.0)...
I put in the IP address for the CVSROOT...
I created a new repository...
Then imported a project...
Then I checked out the project...
At this point everything seemed OK... at least the client was communicating
with the repository... but all the files were marked as changed... I also
noticed that there were no CVS subdirectories... apparently this is the key
of the problem...

WHAT causes these subdirectories and their administrative files to be

Steve Ford
MaxView Corporation

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