[cvsnt] BUG in CVS NT

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Wed Mar 12 12:20:43 GMT 2003

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 17:41:38 -0800, "Ganesh Krishnan"
<ganesh.krishnan at timesgroup.com> wrote:

>G:\>cvs diff Agent.java
>cvs diff: Internal error: p_test_date must be an actual date, not
>RMAATION format.
>cvs diff: Internal error: p_test_date must be an actual date, not
>RMAATION format.
>cvs diff: Internal error: p_test_date must be an actual date, not
>RMAATION format.
>cvs diff: Internal error: p_test_date must be an actual date, not
>RMAATION format.
>cvs diff: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or directory
>cvs diff: I know nothing about Agent.java
>Hi !
>whenever i use CVS via IBM Webshphere studio or via the command line i
>get the error specified above.
>I am running evaluation copy of windows 2003 beta 1
Looks like a bug in the OS to me - the only way I could see that happening is
if FileTimeToSystemTime is returning invalid data.  That's the problem with
running a beta OS...

The error message is misleading, basically what it's saying is that the wYear
element of the SYSTEMTIME structure is zero, which means it's not initialised

I suggest debugging through it to see what it actually is returning, then
filling a report with MS.


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