[cvsnt] cvs update hungs

Gallardo Rico, Alberto Ramon agallardo at indra.es
Thu Mar 20 10:59:42 GMT 2003

Hi all,

I have a problem with cvs. I must be doing something wrong, but I can't
find what is it. I'm trying to simulate an environment where two
developers try to modify the same file. I can commit the changes made by
the first developer, but when I try to update and commit the changes made
by the second one, my cvs gets hunged.
I have tried this in two different O.S servers running both cvsNT: W2K and
WinNT, and with different cvs clients. I paste below one of these testing

	1. I first create a folder "test" with a "file1.txt" in it.
	2. I import this folder to the repository:
		C:\pruebas\test>cvs --version

		Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) Prerelease (Build 68) 

		C:\pruebas\test>set cvsroot=:pserver:usu1 at

		C:\pruebas\test>cvs login
		Logging in to :pserver:usu1 at
		CVS password: ****

		C:\pruebas\test>cvs import -m "Creation" test VENDOR start
		N test/file1.txt

		No conflicts created by this import

	3.I create a folder "sandbox" and check this module out:
		C:\pruebas\sandbox>cvs co test
		cvs server: Updating test
		U test/file1.txt

	4.I check this module out again in a folder "sandbox2":
		C:\pruebas\sandbox2>cvs co test
		cvs server: Updating test
		U test/file1.txt

	5.I modify and commit one of them:
		C:\pruebas\sandbox2\test>echo file changed > file1.txt

		C:\pruebas\sandbox2\test>cvs commit -m "first change" file1.txt
		Checking in file1.txt;
		/Repositorio/test/file1.txt,v  <--  file1.txt
		new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1

	6.I modify and update the other:
		C:\pruebas\sandbox\test>echo second simultaneous change > file1.txt

		C:\pruebas\sandbox\test>cvs update file1.txt
		RCS file: /Repositorio/test/file1.txt,v
		retrieving revision
		retrieving revision 1.2
		Merging differences between and 1.2 into file1.txt

	7.Then, cvs hangs and I have to terminate it (Ctr-c):
		cvs [update aborted]: received interrupt signal

I have tried with the same user accesing the repository, with different 
users,... but nothing seems to work. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,
	Alberto Gallardo

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