[cvsnt] Re: ls with the linux version

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Thu Mar 20 13:59:24 GMT 2003

> yes now i can write my command directly to the console. but same result:
> cvs ls
> cvs [ls aborted]: server does not support ls

OK, now try the cvs ver command again from the very same spot - to be on the
safe side enter them both directly after another. Only then can you be sure
that the same cvs.exe and CVSROOT is used for both commands (ver and ls).
One further hint might be gained if you use the global -t option, i.e.
cvs -t ver
cvs -t ls
Somewhere in the resulting output you should see the CVSROOT that's actually
being used for the request.

BTW: Which version of WinCvs are you using and on what (client) OS? There
was a bug in one of the recent releases where the working directory used for
commands entered in the console pane was not in sync with the current
directory selection. This could for instance result in contacting of a
different repository than you thought you were... just an idea...
This is fixed in WinCvs 1.3.12.

Hope this helps,

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JID: ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ: 18777742

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