[cvsnt] Wiki contributions

Adam Shand ashand at pixelworks.com
Wed Mar 26 17:47:11 GMT 2003

Tony Hoyle wrote:
> The cvsnt.org page is automatically generated - it'd be a complete pain to
> have to update the revision information every time I uploaded a new version,
> especially for the nightly builds.   Certainly a lot of information in the
> front page could be moved to the wiki (provided I could lock parts of it so
> that only I could edit it), but not the front page itself.

There isn't a way to make pages read only from within the wiki, however 
if you use file permissions to make a wiki text file (eg. 
text/FrontPage)  unwritable by the web server then moin will show it as 
an "imutable page".  :-)


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