[cvsnt] CVSweb problem - restrictions while writing commit messages

Arvind Raman arvind_raman at yahoo.com
Fri May 2 19:10:54 BST 2003

I have observed that while commiting files if the log
message contains a string of characters like
CVSweb crashes while displaying the log of commits for
these files. I beliece CVSweb uses the rlog executable
for displaying the log of the file. So does the 
problem exist with rlog or is it a bug in the CVSweb 
perl script. If other have come across this problem 
could they let me know what other string patterns is
CVSweb alergic to (I know of thes two patterns for 

The other thing that I noticed was that CVSweb can not

process files whose author's name is a numeral. In our
organization we have user names identified by numbers.
Though I have already come over this problem I thought
of bringing it to the notice of the public.


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