[cvsnt] Feature Request? (Tag based comments . .)

Aaron Kynaston akynaston at novell.com
Wed May 7 00:38:40 BST 2003

Hey all, I'm looking for a feature that I believe doesn't exist in CVS .

I'd like to have Tag based comments . . .

I know you can use:

cvs admin -mv1_1:"Here's my new comment for the v1_1 tag"

And it will overrite all of the version's messages for that tag . .

BUT that's the problem - if a file doesn't change for that tag, you
loose that old message!!

Any ideas, or does any one know where I submit a feature request?

Aaron Kynaston
akynaston at novell.com
office: (801) 861-6709
cell: (801) 368-8633
fax: (801) 861-6778
Novell Inc., The leading provider in net services software.

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