[cvsnt] Unrecognized error

Natalia Portillo iosglpgc at teleline.es
Tue May 20 23:36:47 BST 2003


A client trying to update a file on my CVS received following message:

Checking in fobos/fs/partitions/apple/swapbyte.h;
/CVSROOT/Fobos/fobos/fs/partitions/apple/swapbyte.h,v  <--  swapbyte.h
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
cvs [server aborted]: could not open lock file `C:/Documents and 
Settings/CVSROOT/Fobos/fobos/fs/partitions/apple/,swapbyte.h,': File 
cvs commit: dying gasps from unexpected

What is the reason and how to solve?

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