[cvsnt] Re: Commit sequence?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Sun May 25 20:46:31 BST 2003

On Sun, 25 May 2003 11:54:18 -0700, "Glen Starrett"
<grstarrett at cox.net> wrote:

>I'd personally rather see CVSNT commit in the order given--that way if
>there's any problem it's easier to tell where it should have been, no
>question.  That said, it's so easy to just re-run the commit, it's pretty
>much irrelevant.
>And WinCVS should be doing the sorting.... why does it come out so "funny"?
>Are you doing flat mode then committing or similar?
>Glen Starrett

In actual fact I started wondering what was happening when I kept
getting mail messages from commits by one of our developers that
always had the subject "CVS Commit on PC/Module/setup" even though the
main commit was from the PC/Module level.
What I think is causing this is that this developer has flat view on
in WinCvs all the time "to see all of his files". Then when he commits
instead of WinCvs just sending cvs commit module to the server it
lists all the modified files in the tree below where the developer has
selected. And since the files are sorted alphabetically the Innosetup
script file that happens to start with an A always is listed first if
it has been changed. And since the subject of the email is taken from
the first loginfo invocation of a series from the same process and the
first file handled is this ISS scriptfile I get this misleading

now I have to dig into the CVSMailer code again and start sorting the
calls myself to find which is the shortest in terms of module levels
and take the subject from there...

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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