[cvsnt] Newbie: XP installation crashes on test

Rex Madden rexmadden at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 23 01:25:01 GMT 2003


I downloaded 2.0.11 and installed it on an XP Pro
machine (with SP1) per the Installation Tips.  So I
created the c:\cvsrepo and c:\cvstemp directories, and
gave Everyone full access.  My drive is using NTFS.  I
then set the prefix as "c:\cvsrepo" then added the
'test' repository.  I also disabled "simple file
sharing" as per something I read in the archives.  The
pc is connected to a router via a single ethernet
card.  The router has port 2401 open and forwarded to
the server.  And finally, I turned off McAfee's virus

Here's what I ran (rex is the current user that I am
logged in with):

C:\>set cvsroot=:pserver:rex at localhost:/TEST
C:\>cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:rex at localhost:2401:/TEST
CVS password: *********
cvs [login aborted]: Error reading from server
localhost: -1: No such file or directory

It then crashes, shutting down the service and giving
me the windows error report dialog for cvsservice.exe.
 I can attach the dump files if that will help.

I then tried using the actual computer name instead of
localhost, but that didn't help.

I also tried 2.0.12 and then went backwards to 2.0.8,
but I had the same problems.  Then I tried SSPI on the
localhost as well, and then got the following:

C:\>cvs login
Logging in to :sspi:rex at localhost:2401:/TEST
CVS password: *********
cvs [login aborted]: Can't authenticate - server and
client cannot agree on an authentication scheme (got

I could really use some help because I'm trying to
switch from SourceSafe but I need to start working
remotely (and SS is horrible for that).


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