[cvsnt] missing expected branches, but the branches exists. URGENT.

Tony Hoyle tmh at nodomain.org
Thu Oct 2 11:45:37 BST 2003

On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 11:27:12 +0200, irodriguez perez
<irodriguezp at cirsa.com> wrote:

>Hi all.
>I have a serious problem and i don't understand what is happens???
>Yesterday all works fine, but today when i checkout a module, with
>force rev/branch/tag option, the server says:
>cvs [server aborted]: missing expected branches in 
If it worked yesterday and didn't today then someone's obviously
changed something...  It looks like something has corrupted that file
- it's recoverable provided that's all that's wrong (but that's
unlikely since CVS itself would never cause that kind of error...
something outside has changed it).

If you've got a complex branch structure then rebuilding the file
might take some time, though.  Better to recover from backups after
finding out what went wrong (I'd guess either disk failure or someome
directly modified the files and screwed it up).


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