[cvsnt] Importing binary files

Fundip fundip at hotmail.com.remove.this
Wed Sep 24 08:08:44 BST 2003

Wow, I didn't even think about handling case differences in the extensions.
Did I miss this in the docs?


"Glen Starrett" <grstarrett at cox.net> wrote in message
news:mailman.637.1064337813.630.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> At 07:47 AM 9/23/2003, rog amos wrote:
> >I imported binary files using the cvsnt inport command (well actually i
> >imported a very large project that contained both binary and non binary
> >files)...
> >  [snip]
> >
> >1.) before i import again, what file/variable should i set so that CVSNT
> >will know that certain file extensions are binary
> There are a couple ways you can set the -kb flags (to indicate the file is
> binary).  The easiest are:
> 1) Use a front end that will figure it out for you, like TortoiseCVS
> (http://www.tortoisecvs.org/) or WinCVS (http://www.wincvs.org/).
> 2) Use the cvswrappers file.  Check out your CVSROOT and you'll fund a
> called "cvswrappers".  I've attached a fairly comprehensive cvswrappers
> file that you can use--BUT know that the downside is that cvs will assume
> that all files with matching extensions are binary.
> ** Note:  I don't recall if this list allows attachments or not--I suspect
> it doesn't.  Just email me directly if you need this.
> Read more about the cvswrappers and how to work with that in the online
> >
> >2. once i do 1.), can i re-import the necessary modules (directories and
> >sub-directories) over the previous ones without getting a ton of
conflicts OR
> >3. can i simply delete the affected modules and re-import new modules
> >1.) is done?
> Either should work.  I used the delete option when that happened to me
> because I don't like having known broken binaries in my repository.
> Regards,
> Glen Starrett

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