[cvsnt] Re: WDSC (eclipse) repository prefix issue

Rolf Wilms rolf_wilms at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 13 10:06:34 BST 2004

We (team of 10) ues Eclipse versions 2.0 - 2.1.3 with CVSNT on a daily basis
since about two years without problems.
The CVSNT version which proved to be rock-solid for us is build
57h. The only thing you cannot do is use repository prefixes with Eclipse
and this version, it will not work properly. Also, build 57h has
problems when using impersonation / file permissions in an ActiveDirectory
environment. No problem for us, because we don't use ActiveDirectory.

I've also tried CVSNT 2.0.14 which seems to be ok without using repository
prefixes, but this is no production experience. We'll probably do more
in-depth tests soon, because we'd like to use CruiseControl for nightly
builds and CruiseControl needs a newer version of CVSNT to work properly.

You didn't say which version of CVSNT you are using. CVSNT 2.0.34, the
current stable release, has new incompatibilities with Eclipse and I've seen
errors like yours in conjunction with this version. One problem is that the
server reports filepaths with a capitalized drive letter, which confuses
Eclipse if the repository location (in Eclipse) uses a lowercase drive
letter. I could get around that problem by using a capitalized drive letter
in the Eclipse repository location. Since recently there were a lot of
changes regarding filepaths in CVSNT, there may be more incompatibilities
than this.

Thus the only CVSNT version I can wholeheartedly recommend is build
57h, with the stated restrictions (no repository prefix, no ActiveDirectory,
no CruiseControl). Otherwise I'd give 2.0.14 a careful try. I would not
attempt to use repository prefixes and fake CVSNT to report itself as being
a Unix CVS server. This would deactivate all the Eclipse code dealing with
the differences between CVSNT and CVS. But maybe I'm too pessimistic here
and these differences are really a thing of the past.

"Sally Elatta" <selatta at omniumworldwide.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.29.1081798335.3994.cvsnt at cvsnt.org...
> I've read so many posts regarding this issue and seriously need some help
> before I give up.
> I installed cvsnt on a win 2000 machine and configured it first to use
> repository prefix then read all about the issues with that and changed it
> use full paths. I can commit my changes but when another person makes
> changes I cannot get their incoming or conflicting changes. I get the
> fetching file revision" "an error has occurred processing file
> 'd:\cvs\cvsrepo\test'. this seems to be an old error that was fixed by
> eliminating the repository prefix but I did that and I still have the
> here's one of the posts regarding this error from the development team
> stated the fix:
> cs/online/cvs_features2.0/cvs-faq.html#server_10
> Please help if you can, someone out there must be doing what I'm doing and
> trying to use cvsnt with windows 2000 so please let me know how you got it
> to work, otherwise we'll have to use other alternatives and I know that
> works great with wdsc and I don't want to use the alternatives. I have
> v5.1 installed which is based on eclipse 2.1.1.
> thanks!!!!!
> Sally

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