[cvsnt] Re: Modules in cvsnt

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Wed Apr 14 14:48:42 BST 2004

Bo Berglund wrote:
> Some time ago there was a discussion concerning the use of the
> modules file with cvsnt. Apparently Tony had some ideas to improve
> the system over what is available in plain vanilla CVS.
> What happened to this? Were there any new functions added and if so
> what?

Judging by all the mentions of modules2 that flew by during the last few
days in support.cvsnt-commits it looked like Tony has actually done just
this. I was suspecting that this was the "dormant testing feature" that
he alluded to in the 2.0.38 announcement but so far I haven't been able
to activate it...

> I have a need to use certain common files in several different
> projects and the definition of a module for this seems to be a good
> way, but in our case we want to define the module in file level
> instead of in folder level. This means that we want to be able to
> define that some but not all files from a certain common folder
> should be part of the virtual module. Like so:

As long as you don't want files from different repository folders to end 
  up in the same sandbox folder this should be perfectly doable with the 
"old" modules system.

> on the server:
 > /Common/Utils (here are some 30 commonly used files)

So, where are the Source and Bin modules coming from? I assume they're 
physical siblings to /Common ?

> on the checked out module I want this:
> Module/Common (here I only want 4-5 of the 30 files from the server) 
>       /Source (Here go the sources for the project) 
 >       /Bin    (This is the output folder for the exe and dll files)
> How can this be accomplished?

Given the above assumption, try something like:

CommonFilesForMyModule -d Common Common/Utils File1 File2 File3 File4
MyModule -a CommonFilesForMyModule Source Bin

The above module definition contains no top-level folder though. If you 
want that it gets a bit more complicated:

CommonFilesForMyModule -d MyModule/Common Common/Utils File1 File2 File3
SourceForMyModule -d MyModule/Source Source
BinForMyModule -d MyModule/Bin Bin
MyModule -a CommonFilesForMyModule SourceForMyModule BinForMyModule

There's very probably an easier solution using ampersand modules but 
from all I've read about those here I wouldn't touch them with a 
ten-foot pole...

> If I tag on the Module level I expect the files that were checked out
> to Common to be tagged too, but only the 4-5 files actually there.

That's how it should work and it does for me, yes.


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JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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