[cvsnt] Has WWW.CVSNT.ORG Moved

Hughes, Michael T. MHughes at SynexusGlobal.com
Wed Apr 21 19:52:48 BST 2004

I have been trying to access the www.cvsnt.org site and it doesn't appear to
be responding. Has the site moved, is there a mirror or is it down for
maintenance. I need to get the latest version of the server to see if it
resolves some of our issues.

Great work...

Mike Hughes, P.Eng.
                An Acres Group Company
	4342 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1001
	Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2E 6W1
 Phone:	905 374-0701 extension 5270
 Fax:	905 374-1157
 email:	mailto:mhughes at synexusglobal.com
 www:	http://www.synexusglobal.com, 

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