[cvsnt] Re: path concat error prevents eclipse from integrating

K-H.Warnkönig khw at warnkoenig.de
Sun Apr 25 10:39:58 BST 2004

Hi Wolfgang,

I can´t help you at the moment but I have exactly the same trouble.
I searched unbd asked also in the news.eclipse.org/eclipse plattform  but
there isn´t any answer in the moment.
I will send you a message if I get more info


"Wolfgang Winzer" <wwinzer at ka-dus.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:c6baup$gp2$1 at paris.nodomain.org...
> Hi everybody!
> I tried setting up cvsnt 2.0.38 on a winnt4 sp6 box, but I encounter
> behaviour concerning paths (with and without prefixing), which prevents
> eclipse from accessing the repository correctly.
> did everything by the book
> --------------------------------------------
> I followed all instructions in http://www.cvsnt.org/wiki/InstallationTips
> including those to make cvsnt create a passw file in order to use pserver.
> A quick inspection with explorer shows me that the following
> C:\cvstemp
> C:\cvsrepo\test\Cvsroot\Emptydir
> with Cvsroot filled with all configfiles of course.
> for the tests with eclipse I used prefixing and unix pretender mode
> Problem: strange paths
> --------------------------------------------
> when I enter
> # set cvsroot=:pserver:myname at mybox:/test
> # cvs ls [-r -R]
> I get the following error message:
> # cvs server: cannot open directory C:/cvsrepo/test/test: No such file or
> directory
> # cvs server: skipping directory
> obviously, somewhere an extra "/test" got added to the path, rendering it
> useless.
> without prefixing
> -------------------------
> I tried setting
> # cvsroot=:pserver:myname at mybox:C:\cvsrepo\test
> and unchecking the "use prefix" box in the cvsnt config but the result is
> still exactly the same.
> without pserver
> -------------------------
> I switched back to sspi but the result was still the same
> # cvsroot=:sspi:mybox:C:\cvsrepo\test
> rest works fine?
> -------------------------
> The command "ls" works fine though when explicitly given a module as
> parameter, e.g.
> # cvs ls cvsroot
> Checkout/checkin via commandline seem to work as they should.
> I also had trouble adding domain users via passwd -a -D username, (user
> added but login didn't work) but I can't see a connection there.
> also, authentication via pserver or sppi both take about 6sec
> => Eclipse useless
> ---------------------------
> I tried Eclipse 2.1.3 and Eclipse 3.0M6, they both can make the connection
> but they can't see any modules (head stays empty, void even of cvsroot) in
> the repository and they can't share projects (which sums up to an cvs
> I guess). I know there are serious issues with Eclipse hooking up with
> but judging by this list, a lot of people *do* get it to work. At least
> encounter errors at a much later stage.
> Trying to share a project shows exactly the same "extended-path" behaviour
> as with the "ls" command: I get a box headed "Problem Occurred", saying
> ":cvs [server aborted]: Directory /test/test does not exist on the
> Since this also happens with "ls", I daresay it's not an eclipse specific
> bug.
> Nobody elses problem???
> ------------------------------
> When I checked this list, I was surprised to find that although there were
> lots of issues with eclipse, my problem appears to be unique. Is it?
> any suggestions?
> thx in advance,
> Wolfgang

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