[cvsnt] replication between two CVS servers

zouhair bounouala bozouhair at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 6 11:34:35 BST 2004


I 'am very pretty to be one CVSNT mailing list.But I have one problem.
Here is my problem:

We have one CVS server in US office running under Linux. At present we are 
connecting using TortoiseCVS client to that server from India and it is 
taking lot of time to check-in and check-out because of bandwidth 
constraints. Is it possible to setup a CVS server (cvsnt) running under 
windows2000 in India and it should automatically communicate with US server?
All users therefore configure their TortoiseCVS client to communicate with 
the CVSNT server in India.After any operation from any TortoiseCVS 
client,this server (in India) make communication with the other in US.I have 
found a tools "UNISON" to mirroring this two server but I couldn't implement 
this solution.If any already implement this solution PLEASE SEND ME.
If there are other definitif solution or other suggestion for my problem,I 
will be very pretty.

Best Regards

MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous ! 

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