[cvsnt] Re: Any possibility to control branch acl on a per-file level using a "cvs chacl" -like command?

John Kinson cvs at yellowradio.com
Thu Aug 12 09:17:01 BST 2004

You're right Glen, the commitinfo hook could be used for this.  The 
script is invoked with the first parameter containing 
"/repository/module[/subdirectory/...]", and a list of files being 
committed within that directory is supplied on stdin.

Kim, you need to write a commitinfo script as discussed in the cvsnt 
documentation that checks whether the CVS_USER environment variable 
matches one of your two authorised users, and if not, checks whether the 
restricted files are present in the supplied data.  If they are, then 
your script should return a non-zero value to prevent the commit from 
proceding, and return 0 otherwise.

Glen Starrett wrote:
> Kim Hansen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a case with two files in a directory, where it very crucial 
>> that commits on the main branch
>> is restricted to two users, who knows how to handle merging of 
>> developing branches to HEAD for these
>> two files.
>> I am aware that I can restrict access to making commits on head for 
>> *all* files in that directory
>> to these two CVS users using the administrative cvs chacl command. 
>> However, I have not found a way to accomplish this restriction on a 
>> per file basis.
>> Can it be done with cvsnt?
> I think you could write a script against commitinfo, something like 
> cvs_acls script but specific to certain files (I'm not sure if it knows 
> what files are being processed though at that point).


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