[cvsnt] Re: Checking Out files from WinCVS

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Mon Aug 16 13:18:11 BST 2004

Lakshman, Raghu T wrote:

> I have installed WinCVS version 1.3 on Windows XP

Are you aware that this is the CVSNT mailing list? WinCvs has its own 
list at Yahoogroups:


If you choose to post there (or also if you choose to continue the 
discussion here) please also state the exact version number of WinCvs. 
The earliest incarnation of WinCvs 1.3 (i.e. WinCvs 1.3b1) would be 
about three years (or more) old while the latest 1.3.20 was only 
released a few days ago. Three years and nineteen releases make a real 
big difference, believe me.

 > and set the following environemnt variables.
> CVS_HOME  -  where my repository is there
> CVS_ROOT  - :local:c:\cvs\cvs_home

Both of which would be ignored. CVSNT would honor variables named HOME 
or CVSROOT which is probably what you were thinking about.

Also, HOME is not where your repository is located. It's used to tell 
the client part of CVSNT where to look for global client config files 
like .cvsrc or .cvsignore . Note that when you're using :local: mode, 
the cvs.exe will act as both client and server. This is not recommended 
for anything but single-user local access. As soon as you start sharing 
your repository or moving it to another machine you should use a rel 
client/server access method instead.

Furthermore, if you're using the WinCvs GUI there is no need to set 
either of the above environment variables as WinCvs will do that for you 
as appropriate (it will also overwrite any existing vars, BTW). The 
environment variables are only useful/necessary when operating from the 

> When I tried to check out modules which I am interested, all modules
> including all subfolders are being checked out.

How did you create those modules you were trying to check out? Judging 
by your later descriptions you have only just created your repository. 
The only way to put anything into the repository is by using either the 
Add or Import commands. Any other way to create modules is fundamentally 
invalid and will not produce useful results.

 > But the funniest thing is
 > none of files under these modules have not been checked out.
   ^^^^                                   ^^^
There appears to be one negation too many in that sentence. What exactly 
where you trying to say?

> The following is sequence of commands I am doing.
> cvs init

This will initialize a fresh repository, i.e. create the CVSROOT 
administrative module. The given directory should not contain any files 
or folders prior to issuing this command.

> cvs co <<module_name>>

As I wrote before, there shouldn't be anything to checkout yet apart 
from the CVSROOT administrative module unless you missed a step in your 

Hope this helps.

----	------------------
JID:	ogiesen at jabber.org
ICQ:	18777742	(http://wwp.icq.com/18777742)

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