[cvsnt] Re: Removing multiple tags at once?

Thomas Keller thomasdkeller at web.de
Thu Aug 19 13:31:10 BST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 18 August 2004 18:52, Glen Starrett wrote:
> I'm assuming you want to do multiple at once to avoid waiting after each
> command.  I don't know of a way to do multiple at once, but you can
> write a cmd script to do multiple in succession.  Example:
> cvs -q tag -d mytag1
> ...

Yep, I could do this (actually this is what I'm doing now), but it would be 
nice to allow some simple keyword expansion there, like in my case

cvs -q tag -d merge*

which would remove all tags starting with "merge" at once. Since I'm 
using :ext: (ssh) I need to enter my pass for _each_tag removal, also, cvs 
needs to touch each file several times, whereas it could remove all matching 
tags with the keyword expansion at once.

Would this be hard to implement? I think it would be a nice feature... Tony?


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