[cvsnt] Re: Latest updates

Oliver Giesen ogware at gmx.net
Mon Aug 23 22:21:32 BST 2004

> > So, cvs tag -rTAG1 TAG2 does indeed create an alias tag called TAG2 that
> > points at TAG1 itself (instead of at the revision that TAG1 currently
> > at)?!
> No, it points to the revision (since tags don't generally move) however
> you can always retag if necesarry.

Ok, that's what I would have expected. But then I was under the impression
that it has been acting like that all along. It's even documented in the
Cederqvist AFAICT. I still don't quite see what's new about this.

> > Why does tag -A have to be for branches only?
> Because it changes the behaviour.  tag -r on a branch tags the latest
> revision on the branch.  tag -Ar on a branch tags the branch itself, so
> it is the same as the branch.

Understood. My question only would have been valid if tag -r really created
an alias tag instead of just another tag pointing at the same revision as an
existing one.


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JID:  ogiesen at jabber.org
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