[cvsnt] Commitinfo: How to get name(s) of file(s) to commit?

Johannes Kilian jok at vitronic.com
Fri Aug 27 08:16:22 BST 2004


I'm trying to write a commitinfo filter using a perl-script. I've got no 
idea how to pass the names of the files to be commited as input 
parameter to my perl script.

My commitinfo contains the following line:
DEFAULT D:/Temp/Commitinfo/CVSRoot/checkfile.pl

my checkfile.pl-Script:
print "* A0: $ARGV[0] * A1: $ARGV[1] * A2: $ARGV[2] * A3: $ARGV[3] *\n";
print "*  0: $0       *  1: $1       *  2: $2       *  3: $3 *\n";
exit(1); # Just for test purposes ...

The output produced by my script, commiting a file:
cvs -q commit -m "Test" t01.xml (in directory 
* A0: \Test/Testdaten/Subdir1 * A1:  * A2:  * A3:  *
*  0: D:\Temp\Commitinfo\CVSRoot\checkfile.pl       *  1:        *  
2:        *  3:  *

cvs server: Pre-commit check failed             <<<< For sure, since my 
script exits with value != 0
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

How can I get the name of the file which is trying to be commited?

Any help welcome


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