[cvsnt] CVS edit/unedit seems opposite in TortoiseCVS (v1.83)

Jill Snider JillSnider at nPhase.com
Thu Dec 2 23:38:46 GMT 2004

If you want the files to be READ only upon checkout (then you can 'edit' in
order to change the file),
you can set the CVSREAD env variable on the repository server.  (CVSREAD =
I recently set this up and it works great! :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Christer Liedholm [mailto:christer.liedholm at home.se]
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 5:31 PM
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] CVS edit/unedit seems opposite in TortoiseCVS (v1.83)


I am using TortoiseCVS and would like to work with exclusive checkouts for a
module containing .doc files but after an update/commit my files are
read/write (as always) and I cannot do CVS edit. However, I can CVS unedit
the file which makes it read-only.

How can I make my commited/updated files default to read-only so I can CVS
edit them (enjoying an exclusive lock)?


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