[cvsnt] Re: Repository on removable drive, used by servers different machines

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at telia.com
Thu Dec 9 23:22:19 GMT 2004

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 15:45:13 -0700, "Luckey, Dave"
<dave.luckey at lmco.com> wrote:

>I was under the impression that using local was a big No No.  I thought
>it could possibly corrupt files and leave dangling locked files?  Is
>this true?

No it is not like that at all, it is perfectly OK to use that provided
that there is noone else that has any access to those repository
files. That seems to be the case when there is a removable drive that
holds these files and it travels with the developer between PC:s.

But I think that the extra effort of installing a CVSNT server on ones
own PC is really not much and will then add the possibility of
cooperative development with others. Of course in such a situation
noone can use :local:, all must use client/server.
But in the current case we don't have this situation, the repository
files do not sit on a stationary server but are moved between PC:s.
Strange config but will probably work given the advice I wrote.

There is an alterative of course:
Install CVSNT server on both PC:s, then set the server to point to the
repository on the removable drive on both PC:s. Of course only one
server will be alive at a time in this scenario and it will actually
have its drive to work on.
Name the repository on both servers the same, example /TEST.

Now the switch will be much simpler than before because what you do is
the following:
Create a name for your cvsnt server, for example cvsserver
Then enter this into the system32/drivers/etc/HOSTS file on both PC:s:  cvsserver

Now check out the files using the CVSROOT like this:

This sandbox will work fine on *both* servers, and you may actually in
the end move the files to a third PC with a CVSNT server. Then you
just enter that server's real IP into the HOSTS file and continue
working as before...

(Bo Berglund, developer in Sweden)

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