[cvsnt] cvs server : cannot write entry to log filter

Bo Berglund Bo.Berglund at system3r.se
Fri Dec 17 10:18:09 GMT 2004

Enter the full path to Perl as the second item on the line.


-----Original Message-----
From: cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org [mailto:cvsnt-bounces at cvsnt.org]On Behalf
Sent: den 17 december 2004 10:55
To: cvsnt at cvsnt.org
Subject: [cvsnt] cvs server : cannot write entry to log filter

I'm using CVSNT and le commitinfo file.
This file has the following unique entry :
DEFAULT perl "C:\local\Perl\eg\example.pl" $CVSROOT $USER $CVSPID
When I commit a file, I've the following message

cvs server: Script execution failed: Permission denied

cvs server: cannot write entry to log filter: perl "C:\local\Perl\eg\example.pl" C:/data/work/dev/cvsrepositories/tests 278144 000007b0 

cvs server: Pre-commit check failed

cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!


I'm under Windows XP and I'm the Administrator of the machine where all CVS command (included CVSNT) are run.


Do you know a solution to this problem ?



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