[cvsnt] Reply etiquette [was Using CVSNT throughout the Change Management Process]

Czarnowski, Aric aczarnowski at unimax.com
Thu Feb 5 20:03:08 GMT 2004

> When you make a *Reply All* (in order to get the 
> list as one), then please remove the original 
> poster from the addressee list!

This one is personal preference debated on every list I've ever been on.
I *like* getting both versions as the direct one isn't filtered to a
list holding folder and I generally get direct mail faster.  I certainly
notice it faster in my inbox.

That another copy is in my list folder is good, it facilitates searches
through personal list archives.  To each their own.

> Many people use non-existing email addresses when 
> they post just to avoid getting spam

OK.  It's just not polite in my hang outs to forge an address for any
reason and SPAM is a problem no matter what.  It's not so much a
question of avoiding it IMO anymore.  But no problem on the address

> Right now I am not removing your address so you will 
> get this message twice like I describe above.

Thanks.  <grin>


Aric Czarnowski
Unimax Systems Corporation

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